Why Your Belly Hangs During Planking Exercises and How to Fix It

A cheerful woman, wearing a grey sports bra and grey workout pants, is indoors, engaging in plank exercises. Her positive expression adds to her workout's vibrancy.

Planking is a great exercise to enhance core fitness, but a common issue for many is the frustrating belly hang during the exercise. This concern not only affects appearance but also demotivates. Let us figure out what the causes are and how to fix them.

Why Does My Belly Hang During Planking Exercises?

Here are the primary reasons why your belly may hang during planking:

#1. Weak Core Muscles

The major reason for a belly hang during planking is weak core muscles.

The core is central to planking, as it involves the rectus abdominis, obliques, and the transverse abdominis. If these muscles lack strength, maintaining a flat and stable midsection becomes challenging.

When the core is not sufficiently engaged or strong enough to support the spine and pelvis in a neutral position, the belly may protrude or hang.

Strengthening your core through consistent practice and incorporating varied exercises that target these muscle groups can gradually improve this condition.

#2. Incorrect Body Alignment

Correct body alignment is pivotal in executing an effective plank. When alignment is off, with hips sagging or too high, it disrupts the plank’s effectiveness and can lead to a belly hang.

Proper alignment involves a straight line from your head to your heels, with the hips neither dipping nor raised too high.

This ensures that the core muscles are properly engaged and the belly is less likely to hang.

Paying close attention to your form and perhaps seeking feedback from a fitness professional can help correct alignment issues.

#3. Excess Body Fat

Excess fat around the midsection can also contribute to a belly hang during planking.

This is particularly noticeable if there’s a significant amount of visceral or subcutaneous fat in the abdominal region.

While planking is beneficial for strengthening the core, it may not directly target belly fat reduction.

Incorporating cardiovascular exercise and a healthy diet into your routine can help reduce overall body fat, including around the midsection, thus minimizing the appearance of a hanging belly during planking.

#4. Improper Breathing Technique

Breathing technique plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of planking. Incorrect breathing, such as holding your breath or breathing shallowly, can impact your ability to engage your core fully.

This lack of engagement not only results in a belly hang but also impacts the duration of your abdominal exercise.

Proper breathing, which involves inhaling and exhaling deeply and steadily, helps maintain core tension and support throughout the exercise.

Focusing on your breathing pattern can thus significantly enhance your planking performance and reduce the likelihood of your belly hanging.

How to Fix a Belly Hang During Planking

Addressing the issue of a belly hang during planking can significantly enhance your planking performance and reduce the likelihood of a belly hang and injury.

Here’s how to tackle each aspect effectively.

Engage Your Core Muscles

To prevent a belly hang, actively engage your core muscles throughout the exercise. Start by tightening your abdominal muscles before you even begin the plank.

Imagine pulling your belly button towards your spine and maintaining this contraction. This action not only helps to stabilize your core but also ensures your spine remains in a neutral position.

Incorporating exercises that target the core, such as crunches and leg raises, into your routine can also strengthen these muscles, making it easier to engage them during planks.

Improve Your Body Alignment

Your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels, with no sagging hips or piked buttocks.

To achieve this, set up your plank with your elbows directly under your shoulders and your feet hip-width apart.

Regularly check your form in a mirror or record yourself to ensure you’re maintaining this alignment.

Adjustments to your stance and posture can significantly reduce belly hang by ensuring your core is properly engaged and supported.

Reduce Excess Body Fat

While planking strengthens core muscles, addressing excess body fat around the midsection requires a holistic approach that includes diet and exercise.

Focus on a balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains to create a calorie deficit, essential for fat loss.

Combine your strength training with cardiovascular exercise, such as running, cycling, or swimming, to burn calories and reduce overall body fat.

This combined approach can gradually diminish the appearance of a hanging belly during planking.

Practice Proper Breathing

Instead of holding your breath, focus on deep, controlled breaths.

Inhale slowly through your nose, allowing your abdomen to expand, and then exhale through your mouth, tightening your core muscles further.

This technique not only helps to engage the core but also maintains stability and endurance throughout the plank.

Common Planking Mistakes and How to Correct Them

Here are additional common mistakes and how to rectify them for a safer, more effective workout:

#1. Dropping or Arching Your Back

A neutral spine is essential in planking. Avoid letting your back sag or arch, as this can lead to strain.

Instead, focus on creating a straight line from your head to your heels. This alignment helps in effectively engaging the core and protecting the back.

#2. Looking Up

Maintaining a neutral neck is crucial. Looking up can strain the neck, disrupting the alignment.

Aim to keep your gaze down at the floor, ensuring your neck stays in line with your spine, to enhance focus and form.

#3. Improper Elbow Placement

Elbows should be positioned directly under the shoulders. Incorrect placement can compromise shoulder stability and diminish the plank’s effectiveness.

Adjust your elbows to align with your shoulders to build a solid foundation for your plank.

#4. Sinking Hips

Allowing your hips to drop not only places unnecessary strain on your lower back but also detracts from the core engagement planking aims to develop.

Keep a straight line from your head to your heels, actively engaging your core to support your lower back.

#4. Not Engaging Core Muscles

The essence of planking lies in strengthening the core. Make sure to engage your core muscles throughout the exercise, avoiding reliance on other muscle groups which can lead to improper form and reduced benefits.

#5. Holding Your Breath

Breathing plays a critical role in the effectiveness of planks. Holding your breath can cause undue strain and affect performance.

Breathe naturally throughout the exercise to maintain endurance and stability.

#6. Misplacing Hips

Your hips should remain aligned with your shoulders and heels, avoiding any sagging or elevating.

This alignment is key to maintaining proper form and maximizing the core-strengthening benefits of the plank.

#7. Overlooking Variations

Planks come in various forms to accommodate different fitness levels and goals.

These variations can keep your routine challenging and engaging, helping you to progress while maintaining proper form.

Here are some common plank variations that can add diversity to your workout and target different muscle groups:

  • Side Plank: Great for obliques, this variation focuses on the sides of your core. Lying on one side and lifting your body off the ground with your weight on one forearm and the side of your foot enhances lateral core strength.
  • Forearm Plank: A variation that places more emphasis on the abdominals and shoulders, performed with forearms flat on the ground, elbows under shoulders, and legs extended behind.
  • High Plank: Similar to a push-up position, this variation works the entire body with a focus on the core and arm strength. It’s performed with arms straight and hands placed directly under the shoulders.
  • Plank with Leg Lift: Adding a leg lift to a traditional plank increases the challenge by engaging the glutes and hamstrings, while also testing balance and core stability.
  • Plank Jacks: Incorporating a cardio element, this variation involves jumping the feet in and out while maintaining a high plank position, great for elevating the heart rate.
  • Spiderman Plank: This dynamic move involves bringing your knee to the elbow while in a high plank position, targeting the obliques and adding a twist to the routine.
  • Reverse Plank: Focusing on the posterior chain, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, this variation involves sitting on the floor and lifting your body upwards, facing the ceiling, with your hands and heels on the ground.

#8. Inconsistency

Consistency is vital in seeing results from any exercise, including planking. Regularly incorporating planks into your workout regimen is crucial for building and maintaining core strength over time.

Correct Plank Form: A Step-by-Step Guide

Achieving the correct form in planking is essential for maximizing its benefits while minimizing the risk of injury.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to executing a plank with a focus on posture and muscle engagement:

  • Lie face down on a mat with forearms and palms flat, elbows under shoulders.
  • Tighten your abs by drawing your belly button towards your spine for core stability.
  • Push up into a forearm plank, supporting your weight on your forearms and toes.
  • Create a straight line from head to heels, avoiding hip sag or pike.
  • Maintain steady breathing; inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.
  • Hold the position, starting from 20 seconds, and gradually increase as you get stronger.
  • Keep your gaze down to ensure a neutral neck position.
  • Exit the plank by lowering your knees to the floor, avoiding sudden drops.

Exercises to Complement Planking

A muscular man, dressed in black shorts and no shirt, is performing mountain climbers on a yoga mat in an empty room.

To effectively target belly fat and enhance the effectiveness of planking, incorporate a variety of exercises into your routine.

This approach will provide a more comprehensive way of building core strength and reducing fat around the midsection.

Here are some exercises that complement planking:

  • Mountain Climbers: This cardiovascular exercise not only boosts heart rate but also targets the core, shoulders, and hips. Begin in a high plank position and alternate driving your knees towards your chest at a rapid pace. This dynamic movement increases calorie burn and engages the entire core.
  • Russian Twists: Sit on the floor with your knees bent, feet lifted slightly off the ground, and lean back to create a V-shape with your torso. Holding a weight or medicine ball, twist your torso from side to side. This exercise specifically targets the obliques, enhancing core stability and definition.
  • Bicycle Crunches: Lie on your back with your hands behind your head, knees bent in the air, and elbows wide. Bring one knee towards the opposite elbow while extending the other leg, then switch sides in a cycling motion. This exercise engages the deep abdominal muscles and helps to sculpt the waistline.
  • Leg Raises: Lie flat on your back, legs straight, and lift them towards the ceiling until your butt comes off the floor, then slowly lower them back down without letting them touch the ground. This exercise targets the lower abs and helps to build core strength.
  • Burpees: A full-body exercise that includes a squat, jump, and a plank. Perform a squat, place your hands on the ground, jump your feet back into a plank position, perform a push-up, then jump your feet back to your hands and leap up. Burpees are effective for fat-burning and improving overall fitness.
  • Side Planks: Alongside regular planks, side planks help work the oblique muscles and strengthen the sides of your core. Hold your body in a straight line on one forearm and the side of your foot.
  • Medicine Ball Exercises: Incorporate exercises like medicine ball twists and passes to add resistance and intensify your core workout.

Dietary and Lifestyle Tips for a Firmer Belly

Achieving a firmer belly goes beyond exercise, requiring attention to diet and lifestyle habits that complement your planking efforts. Here are some dietary and lifestyle tips to help you achieve a more toned abdomen:

  • Incorporate Fiber-Rich Foods: Eating plenty of fiber helps maintain a healthy digestive system, reduces bloating, and supports weight loss. Focus on vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains to increase your daily fiber intake.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water throughout the day can aid digestion and reduce water retention, making your abdomen appear firmer. Aim for at least 8 glasses a day, and consider adding lemon or cucumber for added flavour and detoxification benefits.
  • Reduce Processed Foods: Processed and sugary foods can contribute to fat accumulation around the midsection. Limiting these in your diet and opting for whole, nutrient-dense foods can help reduce belly fat and support overall health.
  • Practice Portion Control: Overeating, even healthy foods, can lead to weight gain. Use smaller plates, listen to your hunger cues, and avoid eating late at night to help manage your calorie intake.
  • Manage Stress: High stress levels can lead to weight gain, particularly around the belly, due to the hormone cortisol. Engage in stress-reducing activities such as yoga, meditation, or deep-breathing exercises to help manage stress.
  • Ensure Adequate Sleep: Lack of sleep can disrupt hormone levels that control hunger, leading to increased appetite and potential weight gain. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to support weight loss and muscle recovery.
  • Regular Cardiovascular Exercise: Besides planking, incorporating regular cardio workouts into your routine can help burn calories and reduce overall body fat. Activities like walking, running, cycling, or swimming are effective for fat loss and improving heart health.


In conclusion, the common causes of belly hang during planking are weak core muscles, incorrect body alignment, excess body fat, and improper breathing techniques.

Reducing belly hang during planking requires a holistic approach that includes strengthening core muscles, maintaining proper body alignment, reducing excess body fat, and practising proper breathing techniques.

Engaging in exercises that complement planking, such as mountain climbers, Russian twists, and leg raises, can also enhance core strength and reduce belly fat.

Additionally, incorporating dietary and lifestyle changes, such as increasing fiber intake, staying hydrated, reducing processed foods, practising portion control, managing stress, ensuring adequate sleep, and engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise, can help achieve a firmer belly.

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