Does Pre Workout Make You Poop? 

Young man wearing a gray t-shirt grimacing and holding his stomach as if in discomfort, standing against a light blue background – possibly experiencing digestive issues like those that can occur if one wonders, 'Does pre workout make you poop?

Taking a pre-workout supplement can sometimes lead to an urgent need to use the bathroom, a side effect experienced by some due to its blend of ingredients like caffeine and beta-alanine.

These components interact with the body stimulating digestion and increasing bowel movements. Let us discuss why pre-workout makes you poop and how you can mitigate this annoying effect.

Why Does Pre Workout Make You Poop?

A single roll of white toilet paper hanging on a modern white holder attached to a light grey wall, the end of the paper gently curling downwards.

If you have ever experienced an urgent need to use the bathroom after taking pre-workout supplements, you are not alone.

So, why do pre-workout supplements make you poop?

Pre-workout supplements make you poop because they contain ingredients such as caffeine, which stimulates the bowel movements. They may also contain artificial sweeteners that can draw water into the colon, leading to diarrhoea. Finally, some pre-workout formulas contain magnesium, which has a laxative effect, exacerbating the issue.

#1. Caffeine

Caffeine is a well-known stimulant used in pre-workout supplements to boost the mind and body.

However, its impact extends into the digestive system, potentially leading to discomfort and urgency.

Here’s how caffeine can affect your digestive process:

  • It Speeds Up Digestion: Caffeine stimulates the muscles in your digestive tract, leading to accelerated digestion. This rapid movement can sometimes be too quick, leading to diarrhoea.
  • Diuretic Effect: It encourages your kidneys to produce more urine, which can lead to dehydration if not counterbalanced with adequate water intake. Dehydration, in turn, can affect your digestive system’s health.
  • Stimulates Bowel Movements: Caffeine increases contractions in the colon, which can lead to more frequent bowel movements. For some, this might result in an urgent need to visit the bathroom shortly after consuming a pre-workout drink.

Considerations for Caffeine Consumption in Pre-Workout

  • Monitor Your Intake: It’s important to keep track of all sources of caffeine, not just pre-workouts, throughout the day.
  • Balance with Hydration: Increase your water intake to counteract caffeine’s diuretic effects.
  • Know Your Limits: Everyone has a different tolerance to caffeine. Start with lower doses to see how your body reacts.
  • Time your caffeine intake: Consume your pre-workout well before your training session to allow your body time to process the caffeine.

#2. Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are often included to enhance flavour without adding the calories associated with sugar. However, these compounds can lead to various digestive issues for some individuals.

Here’s a closer look at how artificial sweeteners like sucralose and aspartame might affect your digestive system:

  • Digestive Challenges: These sweeteners are not fully broken down by the body. As a result, they can reach the colon intact, where they can cause water to be drawn into the gut, leading to diarrhoea.
  • Bloating and Gas: Artificial sweeteners are not completely absorbed by the gut. Therefore, they become fermented by bacteria in the colon. This fermentation process can produce gas, leading to bloating and discomfort.
  • Individual Sensitivity: Some people may be more sensitive to artificial sweeteners than others. Even small amounts can trigger symptoms in susceptible individuals.

Tips for Managing Artificial Sweetener Intake

  • Identify the Culprits: Monitor how your body reacts to different sweeteners. You may find that you’re more sensitive to one type than another.
  • Limit Consumption: If you suspect that artificial sweeteners are causing digestive discomfort, try reducing your intake or opting for pre-workout supplements that use natural sweeteners like stevia.
  • Hydrate: Drinking plenty of water can help mitigate the digestive discomfort associated with artificial sweeteners.
  • Check Labels Carefully: Always read the ingredient list on your pre-workout supplement noting which sweeteners are included.

#3. Other Ingredients: Vitamins and Amino Acids

While caffeine and artificial sweeteners are the main reasons behind digestive discomfort associated with pre-workout supplements, other ingredients, including certain vitamins and amino acids, can also play a role.

a) Magnesium and Its Laxative Effect

  • Laxative Properties: Magnesium, often included for its benefits in muscle function and energy production, can attract water into the intestines, softening stools and possibly leading to diarrhoea if ingested in large amounts. This osmotic laxative effect is beneficial for constipation relief but might be problematic in the context of pre-workout supplementation.
  • Dosage Matters: The impact of magnesium on bowel movements largely depends on the dosage. Pre-workout supplements with high magnesium content are more likely to cause digestive discomfort.

b) Vitamin C

  • High Doses and Digestion: High doses of Vitamin C can cause diarrhoea due to water being drawn into the colon, which speeds up bowel movements.
  • Balancing Act: It’s essential to balance the benefits of Vitamin C with its potential to cause digestive issues, especially when choosing a pre-workout supplement.

Amino Acids and Digestive Sensitivity

  • Potential Irritants: Certain amino acids, like citrulline and arginine, are added to pre-workout formulas to support blood flow and delivery of nutrients to the muscles. However, these amino acids can also irritate the digestive tract, leading to discomfort or diarrhoea.
  • Individual Responses: The digestive response to amino acids varies widely among individuals, with some experiencing no adverse effects while others may be more sensitive.

Strategies for Managing Digestive Discomfort from Vitamins and Amino Acids

  • Start with Lower Doses: Begin with smaller doses of pre-workout to assess your tolerance to the various ingredients, including magnesium, Vitamin C, and amino acids.
  • Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration can help mitigate some of the digestive effects of these ingredients, especially the laxative effects of magnesium and Vitamin C.
  • Consult Nutrition Labels: Always check the ingredient list for the specific types and amounts of vitamins and amino acids in your pre-workout supplement to ensure they align with your digestive comfort and nutritional needs.

Other Factors Impacting Pre-Workouts and Pooping

While the key ingredients in pre-workouts, such as caffeine and artificial sweeteners, significantly impact bowel movements, several other factors can also influence your digestive system’s response to these supplements.

#1. Hydration Levels

Staying hydrated is crucial, especially when consuming pre-workout supplements. Adequate water intake helps mitigate the dehydrating effects of caffeine and supports overall digestive function, potentially reducing the urgency and frequency of bowel movements.

#2. Dietary Habits

  • The Role of Fiber: A fiber-rich diet supports a healthy digestive system. However, consuming high-fiber meals or snacks too close to your pre-workout can accelerate gastrointestinal transit, especially when combined with pre-workout’s digestive-stimulating effects.
  • Meal Timing and Size: Eating large meals immediately before taking pre-workout supplements can increase digestive discomfort. Lighter, easily digestible meals are recommended to minimize the risk of pre-workout-induced pooping.

Workout Intensity

Increased blood flow to the digestive organs during physical activity can stimulate the digestive system, which may result in increased bowel movements, regardless of pre-workout consumption.

Individual Sensitivity

  • Varied Responses: Personal tolerance levels vary greatly, with some individuals being more sensitive to pre-workout ingredients like caffeine, magnesium, or certain amino acids. This sensitivity can influence how likely you are to experience digestive issues after taking a pre-workout.

Stress and Anxiety

  • Psychological Factors: The stress and anxiety associated with intense training sessions or the anticipation of performance can exacerbate the digestive effects of pre-workout supplements. The body’s stress response can accelerate digestion leading to an increased need to use the bathroom.

Does Taking Pre-Workout on an Empty Stomach Make You Poop?

Taking pre-workouts on an empty stomach can exacerbate gastrointestinal issues such as bloating, gas, or diarrhoea.

Pre-workout supplements can activate the central nervous system, elevate heart rate, and enhance blood circulation towards the muscles.

However, taking them on an empty stomach can cause stomach irritation, leading to nausea, cramping, and diarrhoea.

To avoid these issues, it is recommended that you eat a small meal or snack before taking pre-workout supplements.

This helps buffer the effects of the supplements on your stomach and reduce the risk of gastrointestinal issues.

Additionally, choose a pre-workout supplement that is easy to digest and does not contain ingredients that can irritate the stomach.

For example, some pre-workout supplements contain high levels of caffeine or other stimulants that can cause digestive issues.

Choosing a supplement with lower levels of these ingredients may help to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal issues.

How to Minimize Pre-Workout-Induced Bowel Movements

If you’ve ever experienced an unexpected bowel movement during your workout, you know how uncomfortable and embarrassing it can be.

Here are some tips to help you minimize pre-workout-induced bowel movements:

Choose Low-Caffeine or Stim-Free Pre-Workouts

If you’re sensitive to caffeine or other stimulants, consider choosing a low-caffeine or stim-free pre-workout supplement.

Look for products containing less than 200mg of caffeine per serving, or consider trying a stimulant-free pre-workout supplement.

Properly Hydrate and Try Pre-Workout Mixing Techniques

Ensure you’re well hydrated before and during your workout by drinking plenty of water.

Additionally, make sure you mix your pre-workout supplement properly. Use the recommended amount of water and mix thoroughly to avoid clumps that could cause digestive discomfort.

Adjust Your Dosage

If you’re experiencing this issue, consider adjusting your dosage. Start with a smaller scoop and gradually increase as needed. Additionally, listen to your body.

If you’re experiencing discomfort or bowel movements after taking your pre-workout supplement, it may be time to switch to a different product or adjust your dosage.

Consider the Timing and Content of Pre-Workout Meals

The timing and content of your pre-workout meals can also affect your digestive system.

Avoid eating heavy or high-fibre meals before your workout, as these can cause digestive discomfort and bowel movements.

Instead, opt for a light meal or snack that’s easy to digest, such as a banana or a protein shake.

Additionally, ensure you give your body enough time to digest your pre-workout meal before you take your pre-workout supplement.

Choose a Product with a Minimal Ingredients List

Supplements with a long list of ingredients can increase the likelihood of digestive discomfort. A pre-workout with a minimal and transparent ingredient list can help you identify and avoid components that may trigger bowel movements.

Make Your Own Pre-Workout Formula

If you are sensitive to commercial pre-workout supplements, you can make your own pre-workout blend.

This allows you to avoid specific ingredients that upset your digestive system or trigger bowel movements.

Start with a simple formula of well-tolerated components, adjusting the caffeine content to suit your tolerance levels.

Not only does this give you control over stimulant levels, but you can also exclude fillers and additives that may contribute to digestive discomfort.

Experiment with natural, stimulant-free energy boosters like beetroot powder or BCAAs to enhance your workout without unwanted side effects.


In summary, “does pre-workout make you poop?” Yes, pre-workout supplements can cause the urgency to use the bathroom for some individuals. This effect is largely attributed to ingredients like caffeine, which stimulates the digestive system, and artificial sweeteners, which can cause diarrhoea. To manage this side effect:

  • Consider choosing pre-workouts with lower caffeine content or stimulant-free if you’re sensitive to caffeine.
  • Stay hydrated to mitigate the diuretic effects of caffeine and maintain digestive health.
  • Adjust the timing and content of your pre-workout meals, opting for lighter options that are easier on the stomach.
  • Gradually adjust the dosage to find the right amount that enhances your workout without causing digestive upset.


Why do I poop after taking pre-workout?

The reason you poop after taking pre-workout is primarily due to its high caffeine content and artificial sweeteners. Caffeine stimulates the digestive system, speeding up bowel movements, while artificial sweeteners can draw water into the colon, leading to diarrhoea.

Can pre-workout make you constipated?

Pre-workout supplements with high caffeine levels can cause dehydration, which can lead to constipation. Changes in diet or hydration habits due to pre-workout use can also increase the risk of constipation.

Is pre-workout bad for your gut?

Pre-workout is not inherently bad for your gut but can cause digestive issues in some people. Ingredients like caffeine and artificial sweeteners can irritate the digestive tract, leading to symptoms like bloating, gas, and diarrhoea. Listening to your body and choosing products with ingredients that you tolerate well is key.

Does pre-workout help you lose weight?

Pre-workout can help you lose weight indirectly by enhancing your exercise performance and energy levels, which may lead to more effective workouts. However, pre-workout does not burn fat; weight loss results from a calorie deficit created through diet and exercise.

Can pre-workout make you gain weight?

Pre-workout is unlikely to cause weight gain, as it typically contains minimal calories. However, some pre-workouts may lead to water retention due to their high sodium content or other ingredients, which can temporarily affect your weight on the scale.

Is pre-workout bad for you at 14?

Pre-workout supplements are generally not recommended for individuals under 18, including those who are 14. Young adolescents’ bodies are still developing, and the high caffeine content and other stimulants found in pre-workouts can be too intense and potentially harmful.

Are pre-workouts worth it?

Pre-workouts are worth it for those who find the supplements to improve their energy levels, focus, and exercise performance. However, their effectiveness can vary based on individual tolerance to ingredients and personal fitness goals. It’s essential to assess your sensitivity to their components and consider if the benefits align with your workout needs.

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